Post Operative Instructions

Either FUE or FUT were performed , there are some instructions that should be followed to ensure the best outcome for hair growth.


  1. For the first 10 days you are not allowed to touch the recipient site. It takes this duration long for the recipient incision sites to heal burying the hair follicles underneath.
  2. You will be prescribed medications like: Antibiotic, Analgesic and anti-oedematous tabs.
  3. Semi-sitting sleeping for the first 3 nights to lower the risk of facial swelling
  4. Apply Antibiotic ointment on the donor area for the first 10 days
  5. Starting from the 5th day you could and should wash the recipient area with trickling water, avoiding the high pressure showers as they may dislodge the grafts. Washing helps the crustation to fall off.
  6. Diphenhydramine tabs are great to lessen the itching sensation, Itching is very normal after any hair restoration procedure, it is a part of the skin healing process. Usually it lasts a few weeks till it stops.
  7. On the 10th day you could start having a normal shower, massaging the scalp with the tip of your fingers to help the remaining crustations to fall off.

Lifestyle Instructions

  1. No SMOKING of any kind after the surgery for 3 weeks. To avoid hindering the wound healing process.
  2. Drinking plenty of fluids and a Gluten-free diet is recommended.
  3. No contact sport or intense exercise for the first 2 weeks. Walking is allowed.
  4. No heavy weights lifting for the first 3 weeks.
  5. No Swimming in pool for the first 10 days … or Salt water for the first 14 days
  6. Apply Sunscreen cream on the recipient site if planning on going outdoors to lessen the risk of skin discoloration for the first month.
  7. On the 10th day you could start having a normal shower, massaging the scalp with the tip of your fingers to help the remaining crustations to fall off.

What to expect after surgery?

  1. Facial oedema or swelling due to the amount of tumescence being injected subcutaneously. That is a completely normal process which usually takes about 3 to 5 days until subsides. Sleeping in a semi-setting position and anti-oedematous medications help.
  2. Postoperative bleeding: in the form of oozing of fluids from the donor site. That is a normal process of the scalp to extrude the injected tumescence as the swelling subsides. If fresh blood, apply sterile gauze to the bleeding point for 3 minutes until it stops. and contact us.
  3. Itching:  Itching is very normal after any hair restoration procedure, it is a part of the skin healing process. Usually it lasts a few weeks till it stops. Diphenhydramine tabs help. 
  4. Crustations formation:Crusts will start to form on the receipt and donor areas starting on the 3rd day up to the 10th day.
  5. Tingling or numbness: in certain areas of the donor or recipient. This is usually due to injury of sensory nerve endings of the scalp skin. Usually resolves in 6 to 8 months.
  6. Scar formation: in the form of tiny white dots if FUE technique was performed. Or linear white scar if FUT was performed. Anti-scar measures in the 3rd week will help.
  7. At the start of the 2nd week, the hair shaft will be separated from the hair follicle and fall off, leaving the implanted follicle buried in the skin.Starting from the 4th month, the follicle will start its hair growth cycle and the new hair will emerge.
    Around 70% of the newly formed hair will appear at the start of the 6th month, while 80% of hair will be seen by the start of the 8th month. Usually the final result will be ready at the end of the 1st year.
  8. The newly formed hair starting from the 4th month will start to grow gradually as fine hair, attaining its thickness and length by the start of the 2nd year.